Üriel Shlüsh-Reyna is an indigenous trans traditional media artist who lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.
Their use of colour is bold and subject matter can be consistently dark and daring.
Mostly created out of their mind... they pour colour and souls onto canvas, arches paper, or one of the many other mediums they enjoy working with
Üriels mediums consist of watercolor, Golden acrylic, polymers, ceramic, cloth and fibers, inks and the occasional mica and gilding.
The supernatural, eyes, colour theory, design and pattern, late 1800's Vienna, the fantastical, dissecting, baroque, mythical creatures, science fiction, aliens, fresh cut flowers, nostalgic scents, sleep paralysis, dreams and memories, anatomy, iced cream, sex, cats, naked women, sensitive men, immersive theatre, sleeping, dreams, body horror, fetishes, yokai, food, transness,
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